Thursday, March 9, 2017

Stitching Time

Our only day off yesterday was used to play a little catch up. Josie did some laundry and I spent most the day stitching my project for this year's Fair in Jackson. I usually have it nearly done by this time, but this year I had to start over with a new project - in December. That wasted a lot of valuable time, so I now have to squeeze in stitching whenever I can. I don't know if I can make it in time this year.

Our schedule has us working the next four days. One of the games - tomorrow - is a night game that starts at 6 PM, so it will be a late one, followed by a day game which really makes the days seem longer. Sleep less, work more. Each year they schedule a few of these night games. I believe it is because it is cooler at night and some folks also have to work during the day.

The late start that we had this year has caused us to miss the first 9 games. Our total games worked this year will be 17, but we are grateful that they found a way for us to even work that many games. The games are fun, the people are interesting and it is great to be outside working every day at this time of the year in Arizona...

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