Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ho-Hum Day

Yesterday was just one of those slow days when nothing special was happening. I drove - or made myself available to drive - for a couple hours for Uber and did only two trips. Both of those were short and I didn't make much money. I also did some work around the house, including spraying Roundup on the weeds that we have growing around the yard. Josie did her normal, 8 hour Tuesday at the flower shop.

We had the debate on TV last night and we are getting to the point where some of the candidates need to accept that they are fighting an uphill battle and need to quit the campaign. There is too much bickering and back stabbing among each other and not enough concentration on the real issues and how they can defeat Hillary Clinton next year. Until there only 3 or 4 candidates, the debates are almost meaningless.

We both will take the next two days and catch up on chores. Josie has a hair appointment this morning and I have lots of projects that need to be finished around the house, along with some computer work that I have been putting off.

Have a great day everybody...

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