Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Taking Care of Business

We have been trying to consolidate our vehicle insurance policies and yesterday was a day to get closer to achieving that objective. We currently use National General for our RV policy, and GEICO for the truck. At the time we insured our vehicles, RV insurance was only offered by a few companies to full-timers. It seems that full-timing presents very different criteria to insurance companies and there are slim pickings from which to choose. The business is changing, and there are more companies offering this insurance now, and, as a result, the companies are becoming more competitive in their offerings. We also had a hard time finding the best company to insure our tow vehicle for the same reason - full-timing and towing present unique conditions and some companies avoid that market altogether. It looks like we have finally discovered the right combination and can combine our policies with National General - the new company formed by GMAC. I expect to have everything finalized today that will save us about $30 per month.

We passed again on mowing the grass yesterday, so we hope to get that little chore completed today. Josie has been busy working on crochet projects and I have been trying to squeeze in some time to work on my cross stitch, so we haven't really pushed hard for doing much of anything else the last few days. We will be gearing up for some outside adventures later this week. It's about time for another bike ride, and we are looking at options for that while also looking at new hiking opportunities. There are plenty of choices for each, so it will be hard to decide where to go. We also want to take in the new show at the Playhouse this year - Footloose - so, hopefully we can do that on one of our nights off this week. We have to take a close look at the time remaining so that we can also plan the details for our departure in about six weeks. Time has a way of getting away from us, so it will be a challenge to do all the things we want to do before the season ends.

Rain is expected to move in the next couple days, so we hope to get that out of the way before our weekend begins on Thursday...

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