Friday, December 14, 2012

Work at the Design Center

Josie's second day working at the design center was like she has not had any break from the business. Her work was spot-on and her manager was pleasantly surprised at her designing skills and speed. I asked her to take a few photos at work and she only took two, but one of them was not very clear, so below is the good shot from yesterday:

It is a picture of her workstation, and the cart contains center pieces at the end of the greening stage - called setups. She - or somebody - just has to add the flowers based on the order requirements. She was informed yesterday that there would be no days off before Christmas and she is prepared to work straight through Christmas Eve. I signed up to help with deliveries but there is no word on that schedule as of now. So far she is enjoying the work and we hope that it turns into more hours for her down the road, like in January and February. Since it appears that we both will be working at Spring Training games in Surprise Stadium during March, our time here should be productive.

We heard from our friend Donna in Jackson Hole last night and the snows are beginning to accumulate There is only a small amount on the ground in Jackson (3 inches), but her home which is about 20 miles south now has about 2 1/2 feet on the ground. So far, the roads are being kept clear and she is having no problems spending her first winter there. Business is very slow at the lodge, as expected, and she filled us in on how everybody was doing. There were no surprises.

We had a nice, quiet evening at home and we included this shot below of our Christmas tree in the fifth wheel:

It is a complete miniature of a large tree with all the ornaments and even a star on top. It's amazing how we get (almost) the same feeling with all the Christmas decorations in our small home as we did in a much larger home.

I plan to do a little grocery shopping today to find a nice roast to do in the crock pot to surprise Josie tonight. There's not much you can do to ruin that kind of meal, right? We'll know later tonight...

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