Friday, December 28, 2012

Storage Visit

While loading up and organizing our new storage unit a few weeks ago, we came across several containers of yarn and incomplete afghans that Josie had started over the years. She hasn't done any work on any of them for at least 10 or 12 years, but she wanted to work on them now since we have lots of time before working again. So, we went to the storage unit yesterday and located the containers. They were easy to locate since we tried to keep things toward the front of storage that we thought we might need to access. The next step was to organize her yarn and projects and consolidate them.

Another reason for visiting the storage unit was to try to locate a couple of the diet books we have. We weren't as lucky locating them, so we stopped at Barnes and Noble and bought a couple paperback replacements of the books we were looking for that are probably in the middle or rear of storage. It wasn't worth tearing out everything from the storage unit to look for those, so buying the cheap replacements was the way to go. We are both ready to hit the diet trail on January 2.

Our "sappy" Christmas movies are all done from our DVR now, so last night we watched an old favorite of ours - Donovan's Reef. That is one of those movies that you can watch over and over and still enjoy. Actually, almost all of the John Wayne movies are good to watch over and over.

I made some appointments before Christmas and one of those is with a Vision Center that is suppose to be for today. I say "suppose to", since I never received a confirmation for my online reservation and will need to contact them this morning to confirm. I desperately need new glasses and want to try a set of bifocals to eliminate the need to carry two pairs of glasses everywhere I go.

We're also watching for the temperatures to rise into the 70's again so we can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. It looks like we need to wait another few days for that to happen but it will also be nice to see the warmer mornings as we have been in the mid 30's almost every morning this week. It still beats most other places as we heard on the Weather Channel that 65% of the country has snow on the ground...

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