Thursday, December 20, 2012

Business is Down

Once again yesterday, Josie was home by 1 PM. Unless people are waiting until the last minute to order flowers, business is way off from previous years. Of course, Josie has been away from the business for a couple years, so it could be that the industry has been suffering for a long time. We remember the days when there was no time to rest for at least the final week leading up to Christmas, and there are only 5 days left. We are wondering why they wanted her to start as early as she did. It still might pick up to the point of being crazy which isn't good either. Not complaining though.

The extra time at home gave us a chance to do a little shopping, so we went to Sam's Club to try and pick up some presents. It's actually difficult to shop for someone who is with you in the checkout line. We did buy the Dark Knight Trilogy on BluRay though as we don't have any of those Batman movies at all on DVD. I guess we will still have to shop separately before Christmas to have any kind of surprise for each other. With all of the Christmas movies we have been watching lately, we are beginning to believe in Santa again so maybe we don't have to worry about shopping at all.

It's hard to get into the frame of mind to do any kind of work around the fifth wheel with Christmas being so close. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Every day I think about things that should be done but then get preoccupied with doing some things on the computer. I really like doing the planning for our trips and I have been looking at various options on Mapquest for our planned travels in April and beyond, into the following year. The software today makes it so much easier to plan trips than just a few years ago. I can remember going to AAA to get trip books that they provided for long trips involving driving. They were a nice benefit, and probably still are, but that takes the fun out of planning them yourself. I'll try to do more of that today along with working on a surprise for Josie - if I can only get a full day to do it...

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