Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Storage Alternatives

We had to take a trip over to our fifth wheel in storage to take some shoes we weren't using and to pick up one of our small folding tables to use with Josie's computer. I have a table that is set up all the time for mine, but Josie has to lean over to use hers on the coffee table. That reminded us that we hadn't shown any "after" pictures of our apartment since we got it all set up. Here goes:

We didn't take any shots of the bedroom, but it is just a standard bedroom with a bed, dresser and night stands and isn't unique in any way. It isn't large, but it is very comfortable and cozy for us. You can see the furniture that we added - the sofa, coffee table, TV and TV stand and 2 end tables that can't be seen in the pictures because one is behind the screen separating the kitchen from the living room, and the second one is near our back doorway to the patio.

The main activity yesterday was a drive to Menifee, CA to look at the Wilderness Lakes Preserve of Thousand Trails. It is only about 50 minutes from us and we looked at it as a place to store our fifth wheel - for $70 per month - vs paying $167 per month where it is located now. That way, it would be at a place where we could pull it out to use on our days off for a getaway. It would be free for us to stay there every weekend if we wanted and the only cost would be for gas. To save the almost $100 per month in storage fees would more than pay for the gas to drive there. Also, we would save the campground fees that we would have had to take it out of storage here to stay in a local campground.

There are also 2 other Thousand Trails Preserves within about 1 to 1 1/2 hours of us. We looked into the Pio Pico Preserve that is close to San Diego and we think we will do the same thing there as it is closer to the beach and also closer to more activities in San Diego. It also appears to be a nicer Preserve. So, watch for us to do that next weekend when we are off. We asked in the office at our local storage facility about giving notice, and there is no problem with pro rating our monthly rent only for the days we would use it.

I have an Audiologist appointment this AM before we have to go to work at 11 AM, so it's time to get ready. I am probably going to have some news as a result of this appointment...

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