Monday, March 26, 2012

Contract is Done Deal

The morning of our first day off was spent waiting for the daughter and her husband to show up to take Lillian home. But first, they had to agree to sign the agreement that would make Lillian a permanent resident at Arcadia Place.

I walked over to the office in the AM and was told that they were coming in between 10 AM and 11 AM. I asked them to please give me a call before they left because I wanted to thank them. I watched for them out our window at the apartment and saw them arrive at around 10:05. It was maybe a half hour later when I received the call that the contract was signed and they were wrapping up.

I was as excited as I used to get whenever I got a contract signed for a computer system years ago. This was the first resident that signed after working exclusively with me during the sales cycle and always asked for me when they contacted the office. It also showed that my way of working a sale without "car salesman" pressure works. But nobody will pick up on that and we will be back to the "just get them in and sign them" mentality that is very offensive to us. It will be just another day on Tuesday when we go back to work.

We took a drive in the mountains around Escondido yesterday afternoon and around Ramona where our good friends, the Corbetts, used to live before moving back to Oregon. The day started out with sunshine but turned cloudy, cold and wet by 4 PM. We knew the forecast was for more crud during our days off and they were right. The temperature dropped to 49 again yesterday afternoon.

We have an appointment at 8 AM this morning for the truck, so we will get a pretty early start to our second day off this week. Nothing else is really planned, so we'll see what develops.


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