Friday, March 30, 2012

Dragging Today

As it seems to always happen on our duty nights, we had 2 ecalls during the night. The first was at 1 AM when a resident slid onto the floor from his lounger and couldn't get up himself. In fact, this resident is constantly having problems - Gus Hernandez and his wife, Nellie - even though they have one of their daughters staying with them all the time. His daughter couldn't lift him so that he could get back on his feet. The second one was at 3 AM and was the brand new resident - John Moore - who is a diabetic and is only 64 years old. Josie and I knew this person would be a problem when he moved in a few days ago since he has serious damage from his years of abusing his diet and other diabetic needs. He claims he lost his bag that was taped to his leg that allows him to urinate without going to the bathroom. We couldn't find any bag other than the one he claimed was an extra one when we arrived in his apartment. We told him we would call his family in the AM since the bag needs to be attached by a doctor.

Neither of the ecalls required us to call the paramedics which is good news. The bad news, of course, is that we had 2 interruptions to our normal night's sleep where we had to get up, dress and go assist, so we will be dragging today. With only 2 days left in the month, the sales pressure will be extreme to close more business. Our normal solo days of today and tomorrow will be assisted by Charlie and Terri who were instructed to work these last 2 days of the month which were normally their scheduled days off.

There is a lot scheduled for today in terms of tours for new prospects and calls to be made. I have a scheduled tour which begins at 11:30 and runs through the dinner meal, so it will be a chance to get another couple excited about our community. It is in the early stages for these people, so I would be surprised if they committed to anything this early in the sales effort. They are an elderly couple that will be coming in with their daughter with whom they live. Other than telephone contact, this is the first face to face contact and we hope it generates a lot of interest.

These will be a long couple days ahead so we need to reach down and find the energy to make things happen...

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