Saturday, March 24, 2012

Prospect on Two Day Stay

One of the prospects that I have been working with the last 3 weeks is now a guest in our community until Sunday morning. I had been working with a couple to find a home for their mother who was selling her home in Yuma, AZ and moving here to be closer to her daughter who lives in Vista. It has been a classic sale from the day they walked in on March 7. The contract is expected to be signed either today or tomorrow and is the one that caused me all the frustration the day before yesterday. All of our "hot" leads are suppose to be handled by our Sales Leaders - Lydia or Cindi - but this couple wanted me to work with them which made me feel really good and gave me satisfaction and the feeling that maybe I can still sell something. The contract signing, if it isn't done today, will result in my coming into work tomorrow for awhile on my day off. I don't mind doing it for something as important as that.

Our solo day yesterday was mostly uneventful. There were a couple resident fires to put out - TV connection lost, no linens, burned out lights and other housekeeping issues, but it was otherwise a pretty good day. Two of the Regional Sales Managers were in the office to meet with our Sales Leaders who are not performing up to par. They provided the approval for my deal that Charlie didn't get done the day before by erroneously describing the situation as "early discovery".

We have been lucky the last two nights by having no ecalls. If we can get through the night tonight without one we will have a couple nights to sleep without having that duty. Josie, especially, will get restful sleep again without having one ear on the ecall buzzer. She's a "trooper" that covers for me on the phones in the office and are my ears for ecall emergencies during the night.

The challenge for today will be to make sure that our guest, Lillian Hieb, continues to enjoy her stay for today and tonight so that we can get the contract signed and have her committed to being a permanent resident. Our fingers are crossed...

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