Saturday, March 17, 2012

100th Birthday Party

Easily, the highlight of the day yesterday was the 100th birthday party that we had for our resident, Ann Stauffer. Our company sponsors several key events for residents, and one of them is the 100th birthday milestone.

The party had been planned for weeks and it came together without a hitch. Following breakfast in the morning and just before the lunch meal, we went to work to set up for the big bash. The table was set:

and we waited for Ann to arrive with her husband Bill:

She was totally surprised and sat down to open her cards from everybody. Then, the crew sang happy birthday to her:

as the cake was brought out:

As the food service began, the movie that was developed of her life was started:

Her husband Bill provided all the pictures of her for a professional service that produced a DVD of her life in pictures from infancy through today. She was born on March 16, 1912 in St Louis, MO. She was married for 60 years to her first husband who passed away in 1999, and she married Bill in 2003 - at 91! What a story, and she looks and acts like she has at least another 15 years to go. It was a very successful and enjoyable occasion.

That was followed by a happy hour that was given for the residents at around 2:30 PM where we also had a soloist entertaining the group:

It was a wonderful day at Arcadia Place and was one reason that we love doing this. If the sales pressure wasn't so great, it would be a perfect job.

We had no ecalls last night and today will be our final day for the work week. We have another event scheduled for St Patrick's Day which includes a corn beef and cabbage meal at noon. Hopefully, we'll have more pictures of that event in tomorrow's entry...


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