Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Turning in the Uniforms

The important thing we wanted to accomplish yesterday was to return the uniforms I had from Disney. Turned in were: 1 pair of black shorts, 2 pair of black long pants, 2 black and red shirts, a black fleece jacket, a red and black windbreaker jacket, a rain suit, a black hat and a black belt. If all of these weren't turned back in, I would have had the cost of whatever I didn't turn in deducted from my paycheck. Not a good idea.

We also went to pick up our mail for the last time at the post office, and in the mail was a final bill from the hospital for Josie's emergency. This country really does have a serious health care problem. After we picked ourselves up off the floor, we were trying in our wildest imagination to figure out how they could have charged over $1,045.82 for 5 stitches. I guess the $100 we paid on her admission just covered the needle and thread. Ridiculous! The only way to possibly justify paying this amount is to consider it as probably 2 months premium for any insurance we might have gotten for her. Actually, even if she did have insurance, it would have had at least a $5,000 deductible, which means we would have paidthis bill anyway. Maybe it's still cheaper to go this way, if we can keep her out of the hospital until she gets on Medicare.

It was too late to go to a theme park by the time we got our errands done, so we sat around and enjoyed the fabulous weather for a change. During the afternoon, our local sandhill crane family made an appearance:

They are a big hit in our neighborhood.

Today we plan to go to the Epcot Center and will try tomorrow, if we are up to it, to do the Magic Kingdom before we leave on Thursday. It looks like another fabulous day, so we'll finish breakfast and get ready to go...

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