Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Trying to Learn the Procedures

Our second day on the new job was again a challenge for us to figure out the procedures at the park. It's a good thing we already had experience with the software system, since there is no structured teaching for new employees. We are constantly discovering new procedures and policies that should be written down and presented to us at the beginning of our work commitment. There is one other person at the front desk beside Josie and I, and she has only been in this particular assignment for about 4 months. She has been our only source for instruction as the managers just seem to go their own ways and assume that everything is OK. Today will be the 3rd work day, and so far, all we have are name badges. There is no employee ID number yet, no access yet to the online payroll system where we enter our start, stop, and lunch break times, and no package of information outlining procedures for opening, closing and handling other types of transactions. The managers have just asked us to keep track of our time on paper for now. Usually, all of the payroll information is completed before you even start - such as personal deductions and payment method (direct deposit or check). We hope it gets better organization soon. Actually, we still haven't received our schedules yet, so it's hard to plan for anything on our time off.

The area has been a pleasant surprise to us so far. We have been here for almost a week and the temperature has varied only 1 degree, from day to day, since we arrived. Our high has been 78 every day, and with the exception of one night, the low has been 70. The other night it was 71. There has also been only one day where the wind was higher - 20 MPH, vs normal 10-15. We know it will change as we get closer to summer. People are telling us that the heat and humidity, although not quite as bad as on the mainland of Florida, still gets pretty bad. Highs will be in the low 90's with equal humidity. Also, the "pop-up" storms that occur on the mainland also occur here. The big difference is that there is usually a breeze most of the time. I suppose we'll find out.

We are hoping for major steps forward today. Of course, the longer we work the more we will learn, even without written procedures. The people are nice and friendly so there is no problem there. It is, as I mentioned before, a very different experience, but one that we welcome as that is what we are looking for...

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