Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Windy Night

It was a little rough sleeping last night as the wind began to blow, big time, at about 1 AM. We recorded a high wind gust of 29 MPH at 2:30 AM but it was blowing steadily all night long. When it blows that hard it shakes the trailer and makes it tough to sleep. Just when we were hoping to get a good night's rest to begin our two days off.

Our plan is to go into Flagstaff today to pick up some supplies for the store and for ourselves. Jamie faxes a list of goods required at the lodge and Mercy, the GM's wife, does the shopping so all we need to do is pick them up. We also have some personal errands to do like Josie's nails, and a visit to the grocery store to get our usual stuff like milk, eggs, etc.

We're beginning to get a picture of our extended three days off beginning on Monday. Chi Chi had indicated that they have free stays at Circus Circus in Las Vegas that we can use. They are going to let us get off early on Sunday to go, and then we have until Wednesday afternoon to return. That will be a nice trip for us before we begin covering for them on their trip to Vegas for five days beginning on Thursday of next week. They are staying at the Sahara in Vegas for their bike event. That is where the headquarters will be located for all scheduled events. It looks like one big party for five days with events taking place all over Vegas.

It appears that the winds are dying down a bit so we are getting ready to leave for Flagstaff. We should get back at a decent hour this afternoon and relax for the rest of the day. More tomorrow...

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