Sunday, February 16, 2014

Finally Done

After nine days, the truck finally was finished and ready for pickup at 5 PM yesterday. That was after another 2 hours of waiting in the customer lounge while they used the excuse of performing paperwork.

My share of the $2465 charges was $370. That included a small share of the car rental - joke, my warranty deductible - $100, and parts that were not covered, such as gaskets, washers, clamps, seals and bolts. Also thrown in and not discovered until I really reviewed everything in detail when we got home - 3 gallons of anti-freeze for $62 that I would have tried to reject if I caught it at the dealership. Why in the world they needed to add that is a mystery since there was nothing wrong with the cooling system. Another, bigger joke. I'm sure that all dealerships attempt to bilk every cent out you that they can, but it gets so obvious and ludicrous that there needs to be some legislation preventing them from "padding" charges to customers. By the way, the labor was $1878 to install a $195 part!

Once again, I was so happy that I acquired the extended warranty as repairs to any vehicle are ridiculous these days. Needless to say, we are done with this dealership and would not recommend them to anybody. It's a real shame that customer service has all but disappeared in our society.

We watched more of the Winter Olympics yesterday and, for some reason, we are struggling to get medals in sports where we had a real presence in the past. I guess it runs in cycles as we are dominant in the new sports like slope-style skiing and half pipe snowboarding. It would really be nice to see a medal in cross country skiing for a change. Even though we are behind in medal  count, they are fun to watch.

We will be starting our spring training games soon, so we will enjoy the free days we have from now until then. They start at the end of February which is rapidly approaching...

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