Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Eve

It was a relatively calm and slow day at the flower shop yesterday. All of the deliveries for the day were done by early afternoon and Josie even got home by 4 PM - a first for her in all the years she has worked this special day in the business. It may be the calm before the storm, but it seems like the flower business is lagging behind the economic recovery. Regardless, they are very happy to have her working with them through this period.

Today is the real test. We both go in again at 7:30 but doubt we will be home early today. I delivered to Surprise, Sun City West, Sun City Grand, AZ Traditions and several communities in between, and was done yesterday by 2:30 PM. I made a small detour during the morning to pick up the hat that I had taken to the embroidery store to have Austin's number placed on the side. Here is a shot of the hat:

and the angle that shows Austin's number 27:

It's a really cool hat and I appreciate receiving it from Patty and her family. The back of the hat has Western Michigan embroidered above the strap. I already had one individual ask if it was the Denver Broncos - an observation that I probably will have to explain over and over - but the colors are not those of the Denver Broncos, and it gives me the opportunity to talk about Austin and his accomplishments.

I hope there is a good report tomorrow on how it went today. We're just about ready to hit the road, so happy Valentine's Day everybody...

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