Friday, February 15, 2013

Another Valentine's Day Down

We must have set some kind of record yesterday for finishing a Valentine's Day at a flower shop by 3 PM. It's never happened for Josie before, and all the deliveries were completed by 3 o'clock. We both drove to work in the morning in our two vehicles as we always do anticipating an earlier departure for me. Yesterday, we both finished at the same time and drove home in the two vehicles where we could have just used the Jeep if we had known it would turn out the way it did. We thought that it might be a combination of the down economy and the pressure by the grocery stores who have tents set up all over to sell Valentine's Day flowers, candy and whatever. It's probably a good time not to own a shop as the competition from the grocery stores has become intense. Of course, people will never understand that they get better quality flowers and service from shops, but that's not our concern anymore. We're glad it's over and we now get a couple days of down time before going back to work.

Josie has to stand in for an employee at the shop who had lost her husband during the Valentine's Day season. That will require her to work three days next week. We have on-the-job training on Sunday at the Stadium, so we have to have our Food Handlers certificate by then. It is an easy on-line test that we have taken before, but is always a nuisance to get done. Then, on Friday the 22nd, it all begins with the real thing at Spring Training. The realization has set in that we haven't done all the activities we intended to complete before leaving on the 1st of April, so we will probably have to use our two days off each week to catch up on those. The winter season is just sailing by...

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