Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Of course the main activity for the day yesterday was to vote. The Recorders Office said we should vote right here at Happy Trails using a Provisional Ballot, which we did. We went to the Town Center at around 9 AM:

where we located the area that contained the voting activity:

There weren't many people there at that time so we didn't have to wait at all - unlike many voting places we saw later on the news.

The ladies working the voting area found our names on the voters rolls so we know that our ballot will be counted. Too bad it wasn't significant enough to change the outcome. We all know why Obama was re-elected, and we also know that not much will be fixed during the next 4 years. I won't go off on a tirade about the election, so let's just say we hope things improve.

The whole evening was spent watching the election returns and even though it began as a wishful upset, it didn't take long to see the states that would swing the outcome. We went to bed shortly after 9 PM knowing that the sad results were only moments away from being made official. We do have an interest in some of the local issues and results, so we are anxious to discover those outcomes this morning.

Nothing is planned so far today following our election update so we'll see what happens as the day develops...

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