Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Costco and Sams Club

We have been thinking about replacing our whole set of pots and pans that we've been using for years. They are Teflon coated and the coating has been wearing off more and more with each use, so it was time to look for replacements (Merry Christmas). Josie has been seeing sales of stainless, non-stick, pots and pans for some time and we wanted to check out the prices at the warehouse stores, Costco and Sam's Club.

These stores have nice sets that satisfy the requirements, but they all seemed a little pricey. Nobody goes to these stores without buying something. We really did a good job by limiting our purchases and we actually got out of these stores with less than $50 in merchandise. It must be a new record for us. Plus, by the time you walk around taking food samples from the little promotional stands, you have had close to a full meal - free. There are more of those now with the Christmas season. At any rate, we will keep our eyes out for sales in the paper and online for the "right" set of pots and pans.

Our next door neighbors, Rett and Claire Porter, arrived while we were out yesterday. They are the new owners of the space we are renting and we haven't met them yet, so I'm sure today will be our introduction to them. They sound like nice folks on the phone and we have been communicating through emails. They have the nice home on the space next to us that we rented several years ago, and they have a similar arrangement at a location somewhere in Texas. Their motor home is also a beauty so it will be interesting to talk with them.

Josie has her first contact this morning with the folks at Phoenix Flower Shops to complete her paperwork and to meet the people who will be working with her at the Design Center. That meeting is scheduled for 10 AM, so we will have an update on that by tomorrow...

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