Friday, November 2, 2012

Annual Water Pump Service

Our appointment with the RV tech was for between 1 and 3 yesterday. Usually, when there is such a wide window for service, we see the person closer to 3 PM. Yesterday, he showed up at 12:45 which was good news. I had cleaned out the basement area near the water pump access door, and he was on the problem in no time. The bad news is that the pump is dead - which we knew - and also, he didn't have a replacement pump to install. This is the 4th or 5th pump we've had since we acquired the fifth wheel. All of them have been under warranty so we haven't paid for any, but Shur-Flo, the manufacturer, hasn't made any money off of us. They have discontinued the model we have been using - it's about time - and the Tech didn't receive the replacement model in time to bring with him. So, it looks like another appointment will be scheduled for early next week to finish the job.

Another problem that we've had, and thought it might be associated with the water pump problem, was that our water pressure has dropped. The tech thought it might be a water filter problem so I changed out the water filter cartridge after he left, hoping that would fix the problem. It didn't. Even though he didn't believe the two problems were linked, I believe they are, since we've had the same water pressure problem with previous pump failures. We'll see.

That pretty much shot the day. We dug out our old Macayo Margarita mugs to take to Macayo's for dinner:

 We bought those years ago when they offered the special of buying a mug and bringing it back each time you eat at the restaurant for 1/2 price Margaritas. They still run the program and we had a great dinner and a couple 1/2 price ($3.99) Margaritas in our mugs. They clean and package the mugs following your meal so it's easy to do again. They also give you a $5.00 coupon code to use the next time if you take their brief online survey. That's a no brainer as it only tales a few minutes. For less than $30, you can have a great Mexican dinner for two, with Margaritas included. That's not bad at all.

The news coming from the east coast on the damage that Hurricane Sandy caused is still unbelievable. It's impossible to watch any TV without seeing some sad situation being reported from that area. It appears to us to be at least as bad, and perhaps worse, than the damage caused by Katrina several years ago. we are certainly thankful we are away from that area, but hope and pray that they get the help they need to land back on their feet again. It will take years, and most of those areas will never be the same again...

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