Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dinner With Our Managers

Once again we had a busy day scheduled. The fifth wheel was taken to the storage area where we did all the necessary paperwork and drove in to get set up:

It was sad in a way. This has been our home for the last 3 plus years and we were parking it to empty much of what was inside and to leave it sit for who knows how long. We do plan to get out and go places with it on our days off, but it is like leaving an old friend.

There were several other to-do items for the day. The first stop was at Living Spaces to pick up our coffee table and end table, but we decided to switch to a different style. We were going back and forth on Saturday as to which one to purchase, and we changed back to the first choice yesterday. The problem was the new choice had to be brought over from the warehouse unless we wanted to pay for delivery. We opted to wait until later today when we can take a break from work to go and pick it up.

The next stop was back at the fifth wheel to do some last minute gathering of food from the refrigerator and closets and to shut down all the systems in the rig for storage. Following a stop at Walmart to pick up some miscellaneous kitchen items, we came home to get ready for dinner.

Our new managers, Charlie and Terri McBay, offered to take us to dinner to chat some more about work and the tasks ahead. We went to P.F. Changs in Carlsbad and had a great dinner and conversation:

We will enjoy working with them. They are from Oklahoma where Charlie had a business of designing and manufacturing horse trailers, if you can believe that. Anyway, they have been with the company for over 2 years and have been very successful. We gained some good insight into how things are run and what the job entails. There is much to learn in a short time, but we feel like we are ready to tackle the job. We stopped off at a couple stores on the way home so that Terri could buy some needed items for our apartment - like a better shower head, a T.P. stand, a curved rod for the shower curtain and some new locks for our patio doors. There is nothing that they wouldn't do to make it right for us.

Today is the start of our new jobs. I will meet Charlie at 7 AM to open and begin learning the procedures. Josie will meet Terri at around 7:45 and we all will get together in the dining room to begin our assignments of pouring coffee and tea for the meal services. We get to eat after everyone else has been served. It promises to be an exciting day, so here goes...

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