Friday, July 12, 2019

Awning Fabric Replaced

The old, 11 year old awning fabric, is now history. The RV tech came on time (9 AM) yesterday to do the swap. I had to help with the project and he brought two ladders to accomplish the task. Believe me, it was a very physical project and I was happy to see it done. The only shots I took were at the beginning when we rolled out the new fabric:

and at the end when I took shots of the completed effort:

The only negative to the whole effort was the cost involved - the tech charged me for three hours of labor which I though was high. It cost almost as much to install it - with my help - as it did to purchase the fabric. The problem I have is that he took almost an hour of that to figure out how to "pin" one end of the awning roller. It turned out he didn't even have to pin the one end. Oh, well.

After having some lunch and recovering from the physical effort, Josie and I took a drive to the beautiful canyon along the Snake River that runs between Jackson and the city of Alpine. We caught some rafters and took these shots:

It brought back some memories of when we rafted down the Snake in the same area.

All in all, it was a terrific day for us and we have one more to go for our weekend.

I will go to the Ford dealership this morning to have a decal replaced on my truck tailgate - different story - that was knocked off in one of the car washes we used in Jackson. We have talked about going to Idaho Falls to get a haircut for Josie, a battery for her watch, and a trip to Sam's Club and Walmart to pick up some staples. We haven't decided yet on that trip.

Tune in tomorrow....

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