Friday, January 25, 2019

Normal Activitiy

I didn't submit any entry the last two days because there was not much of anything to report. We went to the rummage sale at George and Cheryl's church yesterday morning and played a round of miniature golf at the rec center in the afternoon. The rummage sale was huge. It is hard to believe that so much stuff - most of it of good or better quality - was available at unbelievably low prices. It was ten times better than any Goodwill store!

Following our walk-around at the sale, we had lunch at the food booth outside the church in the courtyard. That was also very good - and very reasonably priced. We then took George back to our house to gather some oranges and lemons for him to take home and we drove him home to save him another trip to pick up Cheryl.

We stopped at Sam's Club, bought a few items and then headed to the miniature golf course to play a round. Josie started great, but finished slow and I had a decent round, but not my best. We really enjoy going there and playing on this excellent course. We are trying to arrange a round for this Sunday, following church services, for ourselves and George and Cheryl to play a round. I hope we can put that together.

I will keep up with daily entries to the blog - as long as I have something to report. But, again, the purpose of the blog from the beginning was to keep family and friends current on our location and activities while traveling fulltime. It tends to get a little boring - from both sides - when all I have to report is the same stuff everyday. I'll try to keep it interesting...

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