Saturday, December 12, 2015

Prep for Rain

The forecast says there is a chance for rain over the next couple days. That means that we need to protect our Christmas lights from the potential water so that they don't short-out and create a problem for us. There are lots of connections and connections where there are multiple plugs going into a cord with multiple receptacles. I thought that the best solution for those was to place a ZipLoc Baggie over the plug and just tape the single plugs with black electrical tape. This is how they look:

It did rain during the night but I won't know if the plastic bags and tape worked until tonight when they come back on at dusk. I don't know what I'll do if they don't work, as it will be a real problem finding out which one(s) aren't working and are being shorted out. I knew it would be too much to ask to not have any rain for a few weeks during the Christmas Holidays. I can remember years where we didn't have rain for a couple months over the holidays. I guess it could be worse and we could be living where it snows and the water would almost certainly get into the electrical wiring.

So, here we are with only 13 days left until Christmas and we haven't done our shopping yet. That is the main target for us to have completed by tomorrow night. It may be a challenge, but we are going to give it the old college try...

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