Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Number 7

Our seventh scorpion was spotted and killed yesterday morning. Josie opened her cabinet door below her sink in the bathroom and there it was sitting next to her makeup bag. We are so paranoid now about scorpions that it is difficult to even go into our closet. The exterminator will be out tomorrow, and it is none too soon. Actually, the initial schedule they had us on meant that we wouldn't have had a treatment until early next week. I suggested that they squeeze us in somehow as we have had many scorpions the last few days. They accommodated our request. The strange thing about the sightings is that all of the inside sightings have been in the same part of the house - the northwest corner of the home - our bedroom area. Josie is ready to sell the house and move on.

I'm still doing battle with Verizon over our poor 4G coverage in this area. Our phones are receiving a strong 4G, but the hotspot only gets a weak 3G signal. They have been working the issue for two weeks now with no resolution. There have been three commitments by them to get back to me with a resolution, and on all three occasions they have neglected to call. I will try one last time today and if there is no resolution, I will go to the nearest AT&T store and/or Sprint store to see what they offer. Our contract with Verizon is up, so we are free to do what we wish with them.

It seems that our local meteorologists missed the forecast yesterday and today - so far. We were expecting heavy (2+ inches) rainfall yesterday and today, and so far, we have only had a few drops. The ground hasn't even been wet the last two days. If it weren't that we need the rain it wouldn't matter, but we can sure use a heavy dose. Maybe today is the day...

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