Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Getting Close to Decision Time

The final decision on whether or not to go to Wyoming this summer is getting very close. We will need to decide soon so that if we don't go, they have sufficient time to find replacements for us before the busy summer season. The money is much better in Wyoming. The holdup is due to several factors.

The main factor is whether or not Josie can get full time hours over the slower summer season at the shop. She keeps hearing that she will have the full time hours, but they have to be in excess of 30 hours per week. So far, she has heard no guarantees.

I have to also get a feel for the hours that I can work this summer at Sam's Club which should be in the 20 to 25 hours per week range. I have also heard about an across the board raise for all employees which will help in making that decision. Should we go to Wyoming, I would have to resign from Sam's Club and re-apply in October when we return. That would mean starting over as a new employee in the Fall.

The fifth wheel is also a concern. If we go to Wyoming, we would have to have the rig transported to the RV park behind the Virginian Lodge. We would also have to make arrangements to have it "permanently" located at that RV park through the winter, if possible, to avoid another transport charge and storage fees in AZ. It is not cheap to have it transported - approximately $1500 each way.

Other considerations are: Concerns about leaving the brand new house locked up for the summer, mail forwarding issues from the new address, determination of how much money we can make if we stay, and coordinating all of the above with a required date to be in WY by around the 22nd of May. Our scheduled closing on the house is May 15. The underlying result from not going to Wyoming this summer is that we have no guarantee that we could return, especially with the seniority we have now after three years.

It is never easy, is it?

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