Monday, March 9, 2015

Enjoying Warm Sunshine

It was a picture perfect day yesterday and one where we had to get out and take a walk somewhere. It has been a challenge getting the time to do any regular exercising and we miss that. We took a walk using our measured one mile track and walked outside the parameters to make it around 1.25 miles. One stop along the way was at the south ramp of the lake where I took this photo of the harbor:

The spring flowers are starting to show their beautiful colors and the temperature reached 80 during the day. It gets a little warmer in town, but 80 is a nice temperature for us. Preparations have begun for the annual Bill Luke Bass Days which begin on March 13 and runs for four days. This place will be jumping next weekend.

We sat outside and enjoyed our gazebo for the first time in a few weeks and talked about some of the logistics for our plans this summer. We have just about decided to go to Jackson again this summer for a couple reasons. The main one is because it provides the perfect escape from the hot Phoenix summer. The second one is that we may be able to move the fifth wheel there and keep it on site for no charge, the year round. With very little left inside the vehicle, the cold winters would not be so bad on it with a cover and after having it winterized before we leave to come back in October. That means closing on the house and almost immediately locking it up for the summer. That gives us something to look forward to in October. There is a lot to work out yet as far as coordinating everything, but that seems to be the most desirable solution. We love working there for the good money and the beauty of the area, so why not continue doing that gig as long as we are able to physically handle the job.

A new week begins today and should be normal except for my scheduled Colonoscopy on Thursday. We stopped at the CVS Pharmacy yesterday and I picked up my medications - or, laxatives - to get ready for the procedure. Ugh!!!

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