Monday, August 25, 2014

Looks Like a Repeat

Yesterday morning was so nice we mowed the grass in the AM and took a drive on the Moose-Wilson road to see if anything was happening. We didn't see any wildlife and the dirt/gravel part of the road was filled with potholes that made for a very bumpy ride. There will be a closure of this section of the road - sometime later this season - to do much needed repair work. This is also the road where we spotted the owl last year, and a moose and bear the year before that.

Work was filled with price shoppers and walk-ins. The change in makeup of the guests is striking. One week ago, we had people crying for a room at $128, and last night we had a hard time giving away the same room for $108. Some shoppers didn't return after hearing our low price, so evidently they found something somewhere else that matched or was better than our price. It is all about supply and demand.

We had another problem with one of the tour buses last night - the Joy Holiday Tours. These are the Asian travelers that always arrive late at night - usually around 10 PM, and take over our lobby with their use of our microwave and hot water to make their noodles. Last night, they parked the bus against the lodge where they are not permitted to park. I explained the location to park to the Tour Director when they checked in, but they always seem to do want they want to do regardless of the rules. We woke up the bus driver after we discovered the bus parked against the rooms as we were walking home. We returned to the lobby and had Rachel - the night audit person - rattle him out of bed to move the bus to the proper location. Maybe they will never learn.

The rain returned last night and the morning is very cool - 42 - and foggy. It sure has been a wet spell and I noticed that we went through a similar period this time last year. The good news is that the forecast is holding for a sunny day on Thursday with temperatures in the mid 70's. Looking forward to that...

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