Monday, August 11, 2014

Into the Routine Again

It was a back to normal day yesterday. Josie took a walk early in the AM while I tried to catch up on some computer work and watched the PGA Championship on TV. We also did the lawn which grew a bit faster in the last week as a result of all the rain. Here is a shot of that project:

We have that chore pretty much down pat as Josie does most of the mowing while I do the trim around the bushes and trees with the weed-eater. It only takes about a half hour to get the equipment from the RV park maintenance shed, mow the lawn and return the equipment. The exercise is beneficial for us.

Our shift at work was a little less hectic last night as we were not sold out for the first time in a couple weeks. The Caravan bus had stopped its tours during the Sturgis Rally in South Dakota that is held each year. The Caravan tour originates in South Dakota at Mt Rushmore and they cease the tours for about 7-10 days while the bikers take over that part of the country. We have also had an unusual number of guests on motorcycles that have been through Jackson either on the way there or home from the rally. We're happy to see that end.

Even though we had fewer buses yesterday, we sold almost 30 rooms to walk-ins. We will begin to see more and more walk-ins as we approach September when most of the kids are back to school. The older traveling couples figure they don't need reservations during September, so we have that to look forward to during our last month here in Jackson. So far, it has been an interesting and sometimes stressful duty at the front desk...

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