Sunday, August 3, 2014

Changes at Work

The biggest news from yesterday was the fact that another of our young new hires - Rachel M - is gone. She has only been working for about a month and her first scheduled day of her work week this past week (Thursday) she didn't show up for work and didn't call. That's the second new hire that has left this way in the last three weeks. Where do these young people get their work ethics? That makes three new hires that we have gone through this season. The fact that we were scheduled with her on Saturdays and Sundays made our weekend a pleasant one. There is one of the current workers (Jackie) that will work a few extra hours on our weekend to help with the phones. Otherwise, we really don't need - and prefer not to have - a third person working our weekend shift with us.

We walked to the local Verizon store yesterday AM to have a discussion about our overage on the data usage on our phones. The last two months we have gone over our allowance by 2 GB and we wanted to find out the reasons. The culprit is our jetpack that we use as the hotspot. Evidently, there have been periods where the data usage is out of sight. We suspect the recent increase in computer games that Josie has been downloading and playing on her computer during our down time at home. We thought that once the games were downloaded they wouldn't be utilizing data streaming to play. Wrong. The special effects and video aspects of the games use huge chunks of data streaming, resulting in the overage. We will change the way the games are played and just use our smartphones to play and not the laptops.

It looks like the temperatures are warming up again into the mid 80's for today. There have been many days where we have had isolated thunderstorms the last week or two, so we hope that trend is shifting - especially since we have a long drive planned for later in the week...

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