Friday, February 17, 2012

Pushing Hard for Sales

The pressure is mounting to get sales, especially on Terri and Charlie, our managers. They received a not so nice email from the Regional Director expressing his disappointment in their performance. This is the couple that is the favorite of this RD. Josie and I felt it was not appropriate as they were training us for one week and the second week they were on vacation to visit Charlie's ill mother on OK. The company doesn't care about excuses.

We did have a couple walk in yesterday with their 92 year old mother and they ended up liking what they saw so much that they signed a contract and the mother will move in before the end of February. That's actually the best way to get move-ins. When they walk through the door they are looking for a place so you already have a (almost) qualified resident. There aren't any other retirement communities in this area that offer what we do, so we have an advantage if we can get them in to look and to talk with us.

We worked until around 8:30 last night and by the time we got settled at home it was time for bed. These next 2 days are long ones and will be another test of our ability to run things on our own. It's the first time we work on the co-manager's schedule so it will be slightly different from the schedule we have worked up to now. The co-manager schedule contains more on-duty time so we need to build up our stamina to be able to handle it. Essentially, we work 24 hours each of the next 2 days. It seems like a lot of work - and it is - but we do have some down time during the day with the meals and sleep time taken out after normal work hours. We were fortunate last night that there were no ecalls and we slept through the night. Hopefully, the next 2 nights will go the same way...

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