Monday, February 6, 2012

First Solo Day

Our first full day without any other managers on duty was eventful. The morning started with several emergencies - an ecall that was a false alarm, an overflowing toilet in an apartment and a leak from the ceiling in another apartment. These all happened within an hour of each other and resulted in our missing part of the breakfast hour.

The ecall was from a lady that had set off the alarm accidentally. The pull cord located in the bathroom is very close to the towels that hang from the towel rack and she accidentally caught it in the towel. The toilet problem was from an individual - Richard - who is constantly complaining about some problem. He recently moved from one apartment to another and the problems just follow him. This time the toilet tray in the tank was not level so the water kept running into the tank, never shutting off. Evidently, it ran all night and his apartment was flooded. The result of all this water created the third problem - the apartment below his was dripping water from the sprinkler head in the ceiling which is directly under Richard's apartment.

Between handling these emergencies and other required duties, the day was very, very busy and we were happy to see the day come to an end. Another problem during the day was that someone overfed the fish in the fish aquarium we have in the lobby, creating what looked like a snowstorm in the water. We called the aquarium maintenence company and they said it should be alright and would correct itself with the new filter they put in the week before. The water became more and more cloudy and the next thing we knew people were reporting that the fish were floating upside down in the tank - dead. Sheesh! The aqaurium tech finally came anyway - too late.

This was the first Super Bowl game that I've missed in I don't know how many years. The luck of the schedule didn't allow for any time to see the game except for the last 2 minutes, which were probably the most exciting anyway. It was definitely a different kind of day than any we've had so far. There were some discouraging moments, but overall, we think those experiences will better prepare us for the days ahead. We hope so. Almost all of the the people are very nice and friendly, and are just looking to be happy.

Business wise, I had a walk-in and a tour that I gave to an individual looking for an Independent Retirement Community for his dad who is 78 years old. It looks like a great prospect and may be my first acquired move-in. His time frame is very short, and he liked what he saw and heard, so we have a great chance for success with them.

Day number 2 as solo managers is today and it has to be a better day than yesterday. We already had a call from a resident this morning - at 4 AM - asking for the kitchen to send a breakfast tray to her apartment. Overall, we did a great job yesterday and are satisfied that we couldn't have handled anything any better than we did. The stories are mounting...

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