Friday, February 24, 2012

Ecall False Alarm

It was a typical day for us yesterday - very busy. Although we didn't have any tours or walk-ins, we had to catch up on phone calls to prospective residents and do a few reports for upper management. Charlie and Terri left for their long 2 1/2 days off at around 5 PM.

We had a fairly calm and smooth night until 3:30 this morning when the ecall alarm went off in our apartment. Josie and I rushed to get dressed, go to the office, locate the problem and rush to assist. It was a female resident in the apartment so Josie went to check. When she opened the door she found the woman on the toilet wondering why she came. Evidently, her cat was playing with the emergency cord and set off the alarm without her even knowing it. Sheesh! Of course, we couldn't get back to sleep as we had to get up at 5:15 in order to prepare for our normal work day starting at 7 AM. These are the times we hate. We are wondering why Terri and Charlie never have ecalls and we always seem to get them on our days. Luck of the draw, I guess.

We have had a problem getting our mail this week for some reason. Our schedule is set up to have mail shipped to us every Friday from our Florida address. The mail that was sent last Friday, Priority Mail, hasn't arrived yet and we are concerned that something has happened with it. Although Monday was a holiday, we still should have received it by now. We have already received mail at this location so we know the address is correct. Without any way to track it, we'll just have to wait and hope it arrives today. I can't start our taxes until we receive it since there are tax documents in that mailing that I need to complete the tax return.

It's just another day in paradise. It was 80 yesterday and expected to be in the upper 70's again today. Too bad we have to work...

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