Saturday, February 18, 2012

Busy With Tours

We had 3 tours scheduled for yesterday and they took  a good portion of the day. I had one with a couple that came in around 11:30 and we met in the model until dinner at 12:15. I did the normal coffee service during the meal and was up and down from our table while doing that but the couple understood. They used to work here in 2007 and not only knew the procedure, but they knew several of the residents and a couple of the employees. They only worked here for 4 months so we are wondering what happened. They appear to want to become residents here, but some observations from our other sales people think they might be just using us to get VA benefits approved and then go to a different community that doesn't have as many amenities included as ours. It could be very true. They are much younger than the current residents.

There was another couple that walked in - an elderly lady with her granddaughter. It didn't take long to qualify them - or disqualify them. The lady had a monthly income of only $800 per month and could not afford even our lowest priced apartment. They were looking for low income housing.

Josie was busy doing office stuff like A/R, deposits and also putting out fires as they flared up. It was an all around busy and long day. Our managers, Terri and Charlie, came in for a few hours to finish up some stuff they had been working on before taking their 2 days off. We would not voluntarily come in on our off days, so we looked at each other when that happened.

There were no ecalls again last night - thank you. We have one more long day today and on-call tonight and then we get our 2 days off. I had to call the Audiologist office yesterday to schedule a quick appointment to have some tuning done on my new hearing aids. They are not performing as well as I would like in certain environments so I will go in on Tuesday AM before starting work to have them re-programmed.

We are determined to get rid of the files we brought with us to shred, so we are committed to shredding those on our days off to eliminate them once and for all. That will be a relief and will free up some space in our apartment. That's about it for now as we get ready for our last work day of the week...

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