Friday, September 30, 2011

Usual Off Day Activities

This week we only had 2 days off to relax, so that's what we did. During the work week we have to copy the TV shows that are televised past our bedtime, so we spend some of our free time each week catching up on these shows. Some of them are new shows this season, so there several we had to watch to see if they will remain on our copy list for the rest of the TV season. Of course, we have been watching the new X Factor show along with the new shows Whitney, Prime Suspect, Revenge, Charley's Angels, Playboy Club and Terra Nova. Some of these shows are real winners, while a couple will probably drop off our must copy list. The big advantage to watching these shows after the fact is that we get to fast forward through the ads. That means that a one hour show can be seen in less than 45 minutes. If you watch several of these, like we do, it saves a lot of time. There are other shows that we copy that aren't new, but are televised during work hours, such as I Shouldn't be Alive which is televised on the Animal Planet channel, and is always an exciting show to watch. These are real life, true stories, of individuals that experience life threatening incidents while in remote areas.

We did our usual off day activities of laundry and computer stuff to stay current on those needs. Our friends - Sue & Roger - stopped by on their way to work late in the afternoon to invite us to a BBQ at their place in Green River State Park (where we stayed last year), on Saturday night after we get off work. Their schedule is pretty close to the one we all had last year and they are happy to stay on the night shift. It works for them. One of these off days we will schedule washing duties for our vehicles, including the fifth wheel. They are in desperate need of a good cleaning.

Cool weather is in store for the next several days so it should be fairly pleasant at work. The days of profuse sweating are hopefully over for the year. We find ourselves drinking a lot less water now but still look forward to jumping in the shower after work. So, it's off to work again for the 14th week - only about 12 weeks to go as we jump on the sled to go downhill...

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