Thursday, September 8, 2011

Still No Sun

It's now been almost a week since we've seen the sun. The storm is suppose to finally end today and we can see some lighter skies in the distance, but still cloudy. The temperature remains cool - 57 - and the wind is calm this morning. It appears that we will get through this storm with just over 3.20" of rain - not too bad considering other areas got up to 10". I can't imagine getting that much rain in just a few days.

Our trip yesterday to Sams Club in Elizabethtown went as expected. The only surprise for us was that Sams Club either ran out of, or ceased carrying some items that we specifically went to buy. The other shocker was that prices on many items have shot up since our last visit. We were disappointed to see prices rising so fast with the poor economy we are suffering through. Where are we headed with this situation? We'll never see prices go down, so you've got to worry about how you can keep up with the cost of living. On a similar subject, gas prices haven't dropped more than about $.40 per gallon in the last 6 months when we were suppose to see a huge drop as a result of making available our oil reserves. I don't want to get off on that tangent, but it makes you sick.

We started pursuing options yesterday for jobs in the west for the next summer season. There is one that jumped out at us that is located in the Black Hills of South Dakota that has the hours and a good wage. It is an area that we really enjoyed while traveling through last year, but aren't sure if we would want to spend a whole summer season there. We'll think on that one some more. It still is appealing to us to spend the summer in either Creede, CO - in the southwestern part near Durango,  or Buelton, CA, which is next to Santa Barbara. Vegas is also an option but it really gets hot there in the summer, so that would probably not be the best time for us to work there. Fortunately, we have a lot of time to work on these options and maybe, something else will come up that is too good to pass up.

Our final day off this week is today, so we will try to make the most of it. See 'ya later...

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