Sunday, September 25, 2011

Light Saturday

The weekend days are very different from the rest of the week, as far as number of workers. Friday had as many people working as we've seen so far, and yesterday had less than half the number of workers. You can tell it isn't peak season yet, not only by the fewer number of workers on weekends, but the fact that Amazon doesn't even have a night shift for Saturday night. Once the peak season begins, Saturdays and Sundays will be no different from the weekdays. Right now, we are enjoying the lighter crowd on these weekends.

There are signs that they are beginning to relax some of the rules that have been a departure from the relaxed atmosphere last year. They announced that they would no longer track certain errors that have been driving us crazy. Maybe now we will see more emphasis on the positive aspects of the job. We hope so.

Yesterday was also the company picnic at a local park. It started at 4 PM and workers that were on our shift had to wait until the 4:30 quitting time to attend. It didn't matter to us since we didn't plan to attend anyway. We just look forward to getting home and relaxing a little bit before we have to go to bed. The couple of hours that we have before going to bed for the next day's work are spent resting up for the next day. As it was, it was difficult getting up this morning because we went to bed later the night before as a result of going out to dinner with our friends. Age is beginning to show on how our bodies react to all this physical work. We keep telling ourselves that the worst is over, but we still have a lot of weeks to go. September is nearing an end, so that means there are 3 months down, and less than 3 months to go. Yes, it's downhill from here...

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