Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Decorating Our Home

We have everything done as far as decorating the inside of our RV for Christmas. There are some new decorations, but they are mostly the old standbys. Here are some shots of the main areas:

Oops! That last one isn't a decoration!

So far, there are no decorations on the outside as the site is bare and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to make things look nice without the gravel base. It also gets dusty when the wind blows - like this morning - and the lights and decorations would get full of the stuff. The jury is still out for whether or not to install any or part of those decorations. Other than that, we are ready for the holiday - except to get all of the family gifts in the mail.

Yesterday, we received a notice that the monthly rate at our storage unit will rise again - what else is new - on the 4th of January. It is a shame that we cannot find a way to get rid of that expense now. Short of moving into a house, we will be forced to continue with that expense until we do. Renting our space here at the Resort is still a lot cheaper than paying a  mortgage plus all the associated home expenses (or renting a home) just to save the storage fee. Someday - and maybe fairly soon - that will happen anyway as we are getting lonesome for our possessions...

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