Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Trailer Check

The first stop on our agenda yesterday was a visit to our 5th wheel in storage. Everything was ok except that the batteries were dead which was no surprise. Without power, there was no way to open the slides to check out the inside, so we performed other checks in the storage compartments and the propane and battery compartments. One thing we wanted to accomplish was to place the wheel covers on the one side of the trailer that gets the most sun. When we first stored the 5th wheel, there was enough shade to block the wheels on both sides of the vehicle but now there is a smaller vehicle that doesn't block out the sun on the eastern side. We couldn't locate the wheel covers so they must have been brought back to the house and are somewhere in the maze of boxes in our garage. If the @#$%^& temperatures would ever cool down we could locate a lot of missing stuff in the garage.

Speaking of temperatures, I mentioned to Josie yesterday that in the almost four months now that we have lived here, I can only remember 1 day when the temperature did not reach at least 100. There is no relief in the foreseeable future.

We fired up our new grill and initiated it by grilling a couple nice steaks last night. It appears to be a great choice so far. I plan to roast a chicken on the rotisserie tonight to give that a try. The old grill was returned to the 5th wheel yesterday while on our visit there.

The final day off for Josie is today. We have nothing planned except I have an appointment this morning to get my ear pieces done for the new hearing aids which will be arriving this week. I'm looking forward to getting those new hearing aids which have all the latest advances in technology...

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