Saturday, September 8, 2018

New Grill Assembly

While Josie suffered through another horrible commute day - both ways - I was home assembling our new grill. As mentioned yesterday, we ordered a new grill from Home Depot that was finally delivered at around 1 PM. It is a Dyna Glo grill with 5 burners, plus a side burner and rotisserie that should last us forever.

Below is the summary of the effort, starting with the unpackaging and preparation for assembly:

It was a lot more physical than I anticipated as the grill weighs over 125 pounds. The instructions were very good but I had to utilize muscles that haven't been used for some time and I ran out of gas at the very end. Actually, all that is left to do is to finish connecting the side burner and placing the grates inside the unit. Otherwise, it looks like this:

I will wait for Josie to come home today before moving it outside which should be an easy task with the coasters that are on the bottom. I put all of the packaging material in the box that it came in and placed it outside this morning with our other trash that was being collected today. Surprisingly, they took the entire box containing the Styrofoam, cardboard and plastic bags. Good timing.

Josie works today and tomorrow before getting her two days off on Monday and Tuesday. The commute is so much easier on the weekends so she may request that she be scheduled every weekend which would relieve some of the commuting pressure. One of the activities we have planned on her days off is to pay a visit to our 5th wheel which we haven't seen in well over a month. That should prove interesting...

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