Friday, December 9, 2016

Cotton Bowl Tickets

We were informed by Patty yesterday that Austin will receive 6 tickets for family for the Cotton Bowl. That is enough for Patty and Mark and the boys, and us. The tickets that are sold publicly range in price from around $10 in the "nose-bleed" section at the top of the stadium, to $300+ for Field seats. Here is a link to Ticketmaster - just one site selling tickets. We don't physically have the tickets yet, but I'm sure they will be "field" seats as the players' families will get excellent seats. That just fuels the excitement. The seats we had at Waldo Stadium in Kalamazoo for Austin's games that we went to were on the 50 yard line, against the railing on the field. I don't expect seats quite that good, but I'm sure they will be nice.

So far, the "Arctic Blast" that is paralyzing the mid section of the country hasn't hit, nor is it forecast to hit, the area where we will be traveling at the end of December. We'll keep our fingers crossed. We know it can get very cold in Texas during the winter so we will be prepared for any kind of weather.

We also heard a report that the WMU Coach, PJ Fleck, will be (or, is now) negotiating an extension to his present contract into the year 2020 - with a huge raise, of course. Anything can happen to change that scenario, but it is almost assured that the coach will be there at the Cotton Bowl...

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