Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Cookies

It was finally time - almost too late - to bake Christmas cookies for this year. Josie had been waiting until she found the recipes for the cookies she wanted to bake this year and also to find the time to get all the ingredients she needed. Yesterday was the day. We went shopping for "cookie" stuff and I got a haircut while we were out to have that task completed before leaving for our trip following Christmas. She worked until bedtime getting all the cookies baked. Some of them go to Washington for the smaller grandkids, some go to her work and the rest go to our waste line.

The day went entirely too fast and Josie is back to work today. With only one more day off - tomorrow - we will have to scramble to get things done by Christmas. The rain arrived late yesterday afternoon and is with us yet this morning. It will cool down into the 60's for today, but we feel blessed that we are not in the frigid weather that is blanketing much of the country. The pictures we are seeing on TV and on Facebook remind us of those days when we too were bundled up and shoveling driveways. We feel sorry for the folks that are helplessly sliding into other vehicles without any chance of stopping on the icy roads. Hang in there to those folks, it will get better...

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