Wednesday, May 27, 2015


We had a bit of bad news yesterday AM when the mortgage company called and said that they still have not received the docs from underwriting as a result of their not receiving documents from their providers in time. It appears that the closing now will be next week assuming that the link can be closed and they get everything they need. I spent the morning stewing since they had enough time to get all this stuff together. Also, it is costing us more money with each delay. I have to call the movers this AM and cancel the move for Friday. Worse, I can't give them another date at this point. Also, we have work days to reschedule off, deliveries to revise and other appointments that are affected by this delay. It is not an anticipated event.

We still have access to the house though, and we can still have the planned visit by our family on Friday AM. That visit by our niece Debby is one that we look forward to having and even though the house will be empty, she can at least get an idea of how it will be when we eventually get moved-in.

I will work today, as will Josie. I had tomorrow and Friday scheduled off and will most likely keep that schedule. I will have to figure out the work schedule for next week when I get a better feel for the new closing date and when everything else might be scheduled. Nobody said this would be easy, but now it is becoming more complicated than it needs to be...

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