Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fun and Expensive Day

Our day started slowly but ended with a flurry of activity.

Patty had to get things done for our trip to Kalamazoo today, so she spent the morning making chili for the tail gating party and two kinds of cookies and some brownies to take to Austin. We also had to pick up some things at Costco so the morning was pretty much shot with those activities. The afternoon was spent doing some fun things but also some expensive things as it turned out.

Mark's cousin, Joe, owns a jewelry store in Naperville and we had planned to go to his store to get an estimate on repairing Josie's diamond ring which has been neglected for some time. The band has separated and needed to be soldered, and the entire ring set needed to be dipped in white gold again. We compared the cost of repairing the ring to obtaining a whole new setting, and the new setting won. Ka-ching. The cash register started to make noise and when my ring  - badly in need of downsizing and cleaning - was added, the Ka-ching grew louder. We ended up spending lots more than we planned for the day but Josie has a much needed upgrade to her wedding ring. We pick up the new product on Tuesday before we leave for our return trip to AZ.

We came home following a trip to Patty's store where we spent some time trying out samples of cosmetics and meeting the staff at her shop, and picking up the boys after school. She has a wonderful crew that she works with and we also picked up some nice products at the store for which she will get credit.

It was such a nice afternoon outside, we took a couple shots of each other on the rear deck before moving to the front porch for happy hour:

While sitting on the porch, we enjoyed our wine:

and watching Jordan raking the leaves that are now falling in the front yard:

The boys had a Halloween dance to attend at the school last night. We planned to take them to the dance and meet Michael at Potter's Place in Naperville where he would stop on his way home for the weekend from Iowa. He is entering his senior year at the University of Iowa and it was great seeing him again as we enjoyed a fun evening of Mexican food and margaritas. Below is a shot that we had taken of the group at dinner:

It will take us a long time to lose all the weight we are gaining this week, but who cares. It sure is a fun time so far.

We watched the disturbing report of another high school shooting on the national news. The Marysville-Pilchuck High School in WA is the high school that our grandson, Justin, attends. We immediately texted him to make sure he was OK. Thankfully, he and his step-brothers are all fine. They, of course, know the shooter and said he was a good kid. You never know about these things and we are thankful that they are fine through this tragic event.

Today is the big day for Austin's game and we are excited to watch the game. There is a full day planned, so we will see you tomorrow with, hopefully, a good report on the outcome of the game...

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