Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bear Sighting

Even though the rain stuck around for a fifth consecutive day, there appeared to be a little break in the storm track. We decided to take another, and maybe final, drive through the area between Wilson and Moose on the Moose-Wilson Road. This has been a very popular area for bears as the road has been closed on a few occasions as a result of grizzly bear activity in the area. There have also been many recent moose sightings in the area so it was worth a drive-through.

We were about halfway through this stretch of road when we came upon a huge backup of vehicles and people scattered all over the side of the road. Yep, it was bear. There was a young black bear on the side of the hill eating berries off the low hanging bushes and trees. These are the better shots that we took of the bear that was probably 50 feet away from the side of the road:

We waited for about an hour and he never left the spot where we first saw him. There were no more sightings of wildlife along our drive on this road so we went to the loop at Kelly where there are the Mormon Barns and Antelope Flats. Sure enough, there were some antelope, and we got this shot of one that was fairly close to the road:

It started to rain and sleet, so we headed home. We captured this one last shot of the mountains through the clouds and it shows how low the snow line came over the last several days:

It will most likely be our final drive through the southern portion of the Tetons for this season.

We begin our four day extended working commitment today. Beginning the 1st of October uniforms are optional at the front desk but we will most likely still wear ours as we would feel naked without them. Some of the other workers look forward to this time of the year when they can dress casually and sit around and do practically nothing all day. We will also begin our final preparations this morning as I transfer the bike rack from the Jeep to the fifth wheel for our travel south. Only five days to go...

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