Friday, August 10, 2012

Haze and Golf

Any plans for taking a trip yesterday morning were dashed by the haze that has returned. Evidently, the fires that are still burning in Idaho and areas nearby have created enough haze that the mountains can barely be seen. I feel sorry for the visitors - and there are many of them - that will not get the full benefit of the majestic Tetons. Most of them are only here for a day or two and will leave with a less than stellar opinion of the area, not to mention lousy pictures. I hope they can come back some other day after we get some wind to clear the air.

I played golf with Duane again yesterday afternoon at the same course we previously played in Driggs, ID. Duane improved his score by 7 strokes from the first time we played and my score only improved by 1 stroke. I was playing much better than the first time until I took 10 strokes on a par 4 hole where I hit 2 balls into the water. That happens, but we enjoyed the round and will probably play again soon. Duane wants to play again next week, but he and his wife have been coming back here every year from their home in Arkansas for 13 years. I told him that everything is "old hat" to them, but for Josie and I, this is our first year and we still have lots of discovering to do before we leave so it may be another couple weeks before we play again. If the smoke doesn't clear out soon, we won't be discovering much of anything.

We may still try to take a drive somewhere today as we hate to waste our days off. There are some exciting Olympic finals on TV today, so we'll see about that. It's nice to see that we are putting some distance between ourselves and China in the medal standings. I have a real beef with NBC though, as they continue to show the Diving finals on their prime time schedule. We've been watching those for at least a week and it seems that every final has the Chinese winning Gold, and in some cases also the Silver medal, and we don't even have an American in the finals for that event. They could at least show events where we are competing and have a chance for a medal. Oh, well. They have been doing a fantastic job otherwise.

Have a great day everybody...

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