Saturday, August 4, 2012

Afton Trip

It wasn't a very pleasant duty to start with - driving to Afton, WY to pick up our truck. The drive was pleasant though, as it always is in this part of the country. We drove south past the area where our whitewater rafting trip was located on the Snake River. Sure enough, there were rafters on the river while we drove past, so we stopped to get a few shots:

There were lots of rafters on the river today and there were more that we saw on the return trip to Jackson in the afternoon.

It was after noon by the time we arrived in Afton. There is a unique archway in the middle of town and we took this shot from our front seat:

It turned out that the Ford dealer was located close to where the sign was. We did our due diligence and paid our bill and then left the truck in the dealer parking lot while we tracked down a restaurant we had heard about. It was the restaurant that the Olympic Gold medal winner and hometown boy, Rulon Gardner, had purchased after he returned home to Afton following the Olympics in Sydney in 2000. He upset the Russian wrestler for the gold medal. He also was recently on the show - The Biggest Loser - but was eliminated before the finalists were selected. This is a shot of his sign:

It was disappointing, to say the least. It was located in a corner of the mini market of the Sinclair gas station and the patties - at least on the ones we ordered - were not much thicker than a credit card. We spent almost $10 for 2 burgers and 2 small drinks. In all fairness, there was also a burger meal that was on the menu for $13.95 that had a huge patty in it - at least according to the picture. Anyway, the entire visit was a short one and we picked up the truck and drove home. It was a shame to use one of our days off for a trip like this, but there were no options.

Our work week begins again at 7 AM with Donna, so it's off we go again...

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