Friday, April 30, 2010

TV and Laundry Day

We both had very short work days yesterday so we were able to get some things done around the fifth wheel so we could free up our weekend. Josie did laundry while I waited for the TV guy to show up. He came earlier than scheduled so the repair was done by mid afternoon. The TV problem was just as we expected. There are 4 capacitors in the TV that provide the turn on power. When he took off the back of the TV he discovered that 3 of them were bad and only 1 capacitor was handling the job. Wow! It could have gone at any time and we would not be able to turn on the TV at all. He replaced all 4 of the capacitors with higher rated ones - replacing 10 volt capacitors with 16 volt capacitors. This was a common problem with these TV's and is the reason Samsung agreed to the repair at no charge. We saved about $200-250, and we are all set now with our TV capabilities. The biggest problem was taking the TV off the wall bracket and putting it back on.

We have our new schedules for May, and the hours have been extended to 6 PM with the same opening time at 8 AM. That means that on our two long days - Sunday and Monday - we have split times so that we can cover the day. There is also a built-in 1/2 hour lunch for each of us at different times. Josie and I also are going to use the radios they have at the office during our scheduled days. The managers don't use them but use their cell phones if they have to contact each other. It will be interesting to see how it works out.

It is partly cloudy this morning but we are going to go ahead and plan an outing for today. There are a couple candidates but whatever it ends up to be, we will get some shots for tomorrow's entry. 'Til then...

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