Sunday, April 4, 2010

Personal Care Day

It was just one of those "let's just stay home" days yesterday. Josie needed to get her nails done and get a haircut so she did go out for those things but I stayed home and watched TV the whole day. Yes, it was raining and a little windy so that was the major factor. The only other thing that was accomplished yesterday was we got the laundry done. The space we have in the park is right next to the laundry so it makes it easy to get done, even in the rain.

The streak of rainy days is still alive as we have had some rain already today. That's 12 days and counting. You can tell it's a normal occurrence since there hasn't been any flooding - at least that we can see. The other thing we haven't seen is trees down everywhere as a result of all this wind. Amazing!

Today will be our first day as the only two people on duty. The managers will be off until Tuesday so we have a couple long days ahead of us. We prefer it this way since we don't have to trip over people in the office. We are suppose to get a second terminal in the office so that will help when it does get busy this summer. This will be the first Easter Sunday that we didn't go to church in many years, so we are sad about that. Anyway, we hope everybody has a HAPPY EASTER today...

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