Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Clear Blue Sky Finally

It had to happen sooner or later. Our streak of consecutive rainy days ended at 20. It ranks up there with the wettest period we've ever experienced. The beauty of yesterday though was that we had blue sky and hardly any wind at all. We still went over 12 MPH for the high gust but we'll take it. The forecast now has more rain coming in tonight. Another streak?

Our schedule yesterday was for both of us to work only 4 hours. The fact that we were scheduled from 1 to 5 PM was something we hadn't done before. It is not as nice working the afternoon, even if it allows us to sleep in. The reason is that we sit around watching the clock so that we aren't late. When we work in the mornings and get off early, we can go do something and not worry about the time. We will be doing it this way on alternate weeks so that it is fair for everybody. We have the same schedule today.

We have a problem with our new receiver from DirecTV. It is taking us up to 5 minutes to change channels on the TV with the remote. I was on the phone yesterday AM (for almost an hour) before we went to work, talking with their technical support people on the phone. They were able to improve the performance, slightly, and said if it continues to call them back today. It not only continued, but got worse last night. It just seems to us that in the year 2010, instead of having super great performance with modern conveniences, we are saddled with poor quality and poor customer service that is inferior to even 1980 standards. What is happening with our society that is causing us to go backwards instead of forward? It seems to be common with almost every purchase we make these days. I will be back on the phone with those folks again this morning as soon as I complete this entry. Here's hoping for a quick, and final solution...

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